F.O.B. Pook - F.O.B. Pook Talks About Miami, Meek Mill Comparisons, Music Video Shoot Going Viral, G Herbo + More

1123 views · Wednesday, June 23, 2021 (3 years ago)



F.O.B. Pook "Off The Porch" Interview Last week we sat down with buzzing Miami rapper F.O.B. Pook fro an exclusive “Off The Porch” interview! During our conversation he talked life in Miami, police targeting rappers in Miami, not believing rappers need to check in, growing up in Liberty City, jumping off the porch, explains what F.O.B. stands for, how he feels about comparisons to Meek Mill, adjusting to being more politically correct, the music scene in Miami right now, going viral during one of his music video shoots, his new music video for “GMista World”, working with G Herbo on “100 Rounds”, upcoming project, and much more!
